Saturday, November 6, 2010

Answer your question

Search engine is a powerful tool. Unfortunately it does not understand human's natural question well. People need to scan pages of web documents to find an answer.

Today, released a question and answer (Q&A) system. uses semantic search and natural language processing technology to answer your question. is built in to answer millions of questions.

Here are a few examples, and you can compare our results with

Question 1) when is the date harvard university founded?
See answers from The answer is at the top of the page.
Answer: Harvard University Date founded: Sep 8, 1636;
When is the date harvard university founded

Here is the same search from Google. Google does not get it.
when is the date harvard university founded by Google

Question 2)Britney Spears's birthday
Both and Google got the answer. Note you do not have to enter the complete sentence to trigger's question answer system. Google behaves the same.
Britney Spears's birthday

Question 3) What is kobe bryant player statistics? got it. Google does not.
What is kobe bryant player statistics

Qeuestion 4) What is Barack Obama's parent
What is Barack Obama's parent

Please try it out. If this feature is useful, let your friends know.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Browse your favorite tags

We have added millions of tags to

You can browse the location related tags at:

Saturday, February 20, 2010 has a new logo

We have a new logo:

I like the logo for several reasons:
1) The logo is simple.
2) TagsUp is easy to remember.
3) The circle background aroud Up has a tag shape.

Finaly, like the traffic in, "Up" rides in a balloon that will go UP!